
2017-03-15 17:24:13 | 编辑:无 | 有1805人参与 | 来自:匿名



QuestionDo you think that young people should do more sport in school today?

Sample Answer I certainly do. I think that young people today are getting quite lazy and this is bad for their health, I’m convinced that schools put too much emphasis on academic subjects, so I firmly believe that good sports classes and sport facilities are very important.

QuestionDo you believe that children can learn a lot from team sports?

Sample Answer

Yes, I do. Children need to learn to work in groups and co-operate as well as build leadership skills. Sport is also good for children to learn to be competitive in a mature manner. It’s also very important that children keep fit and healthy. For example, it’s been proven that children who learn to play team spots grow up to be more understanding and co-operative adults.


academic subject 文化课

frmly adv. 坚定地

competitive  adj. 求胜心切的

be good for 对……有好处

convinced adj. 确信的 v. 使确信

Co-operate v. 合作

build leardership skills 培养领导能力

certainly adv. 的确,无疑问地

mature adj. 成熟的

sport facilities  n. 健身器具

it’s been proven that…… 已经被证明了……

put too much emphasis on 太过于强调






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